
6 Study Strategies for Semester Exams

Renee Romero, Sarah Clardy, and Katie Outlaw
As finals week approaches, we are ever-aware of the pressure our girls may feel to finish the semester on a strong note. In anticipation for this week, all sixth- and seventh-graders have been practicing study strategies and time-management skills, while new Upper Schoolers fill out study plans to approach their finals with confidence.
Here are some tips to get the most out of study time:
  1. Limit distractions in your study area.
  2. Break study time into 20–25 minute chunks, then take a break. 
  3. Create a study guide, flash cards, or quiz.
  4. Rework problems from old tests and quizzes.
  5. Get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast on exam day.
  6. Arrive in the exam room 15 minutes early with all needed supplies (pencils, pens, calculator, ruler, etc.)
Additional Resources
Did you know? Now and throughout the school year, students have a trusted resource in our on-campus Center for Teaching and Learning. Our Learning Specialists are always available to offer tips, tricks, and support for any students who need additional help.

Who can use the Center for Teaching and Learning? 
While students might think that it is only for girls with learning profiles or for those who have been referred by a teacher, The Center for Teaching and Learning is open to any student on campus and has separate dedicated spaces for Middle and Upper School girls. 

What is the Center for Teaching and Learning used for?
In the Center for Teaching and Learning, we help girls prepare for exams and manage their work loads with study plans and time-management strategies while also offering them a space where they can decompress, sit quietly with their notes, or ask questions. Students can ask for help with a particular class, request homework assistance, get study tips, learn ways to relax, or simply talk with a trusted adult. The Learning Specialists will also facilitate communication between students, teachers, parents, and advisors to help each girl realize her highest academic potential.

What is in the Center for Teaching and Learning?
We understand and appreciate the varied learning styles of each girl, so you can find traditional desks, study carrels (to help minimize distractions), bean bag seating, and tall tables for standing work plus resources and supplies.

Who is there to help?
Members of the Center for Teaching and Learning enter team are specialists in their field with years of experience helping girls with learning profiles overcome their learning differences to achieve independence in their learning journeys with a multi-tiered approach. You might see them in the classroom, teaching Middle School Skills classes (how to plan, organize, prioritize assignments) or conducting workshops on how to study or offering test-taking strategies. They can also help students learn helpful time management skills as girls learn to balance academics with extracurriculars and downtime. 

As exams loom, we like to remind students of our favorite saying, “She’s a girl, not a grade.” While it’s important to try our hardest, we must remember that her future success does not hinge on one test.