
Staying Connected

Staying Connected to the Sisterhood

The GPS experience is built upon a unique blend of traditions, honor, and excellence in education. We are the sisterhood of GPS. Your enthusiasm for your school has a significant impact on the students in school today. Our goal in the Alumnae Office is to help you stay connected with your friends and classmates, to keep you informed about the power of the 21st-century education at GPS, and to give you opportunities to give back to your alma mater with your time, talent, and treasure.   

Ways to Stay Connected

List of 6 items.

  • + Join the GPS Alumnae Groups on Facebook and LinkedIn

    Keep up with classmates, connect with other alumnae, and stay in-the-know with all-things GPS and alumnae relations by joining our GPS Alumnae groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • + Join Your Alumnae Chapter

    Currently, GPS has alumnae chapters in Atlanta, Birmingham, Boston, Chattanooga, Dallas, Houston, Knoxville, Los Angeles, Memphis, Nashville, New York, Raleigh, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. To get connected, contact Kim Leffew at

    Don't see your city represented? Contact Kim Leffew to see if there may be opportunity to get an alumnae chapter started!
  • + Attend Alumnae Events

    From on campus events to cross-country alumnae chapter gatherings and more, we encourage our alumnae to attend events held in their honor whenever possible! It's a great way to stay connected, hear what's happening on campus today, and network with other women who have also experienced the unique traditions of GPS. Please refer to the calendar on this page for upcoming alumnae events.
  • + Attend Reunion Weekend

    Whether or not it is your reunion year, we welcome back all of our alumnae to campus for receptions, festivities, awards ceremonies, and more!

    Click here for information about Reunion Weekend.
  • + Join the Alumnae Councils

    The Alumnae Council and Black Alumnae Council are groups of alumnae volunteers who help the school gather news on classmates, encourage alumnae participation in school events, and help raise support for the Impact Fund.

    If you would like to learn more, contact Kim Leffew, Director of Alumnae Engagement, at 423.634.3457 or by email.
  • + Send Us Your News

    We want to hear about your experiences, accomplishments, and newsworthy events! Email us your news at
    or complete the form linked here.

Upcoming Events

List of 3 events.

  • Apr

    Founders Club Luncheon

    Chattanooga-area alumnae in the Classes of 1940-1974 are invited to attend the annual Founders Club Luncheon on April 10 hosted by Toni Hill McGauley ’63 and Janie Willingham McNabb ’63.

  • Apr

    GPS Egg Hunt

    Join us for sweets, treats, and all the eggs on Saturday, April 12, at 11 a.m., for the annual GPS Alumnae Egg Hunt. Children ages 8 and under are invited for a morning of fun.

    Register to Attend
  • May

    May Day Alumnae Brunch

GPS Alumnae Councils

Lela Moore ‘94 | Chair
Joy Altimare ‘95
Finley Bandy ‘12
Tonya Pace Botts ‘87
Bailey Hixon Bullard ‘06
Anne Campeau Burley ‘05
Conlee Cooper Butler ‘04
Jordan Shepherd Chatham ‘10
Erica Daniels Cline ‘94
Emily Poe Collier ‘98
Liz Morton Doak ‘06
Sheri Watkins Greene ‘84
Lauren Hood ‘14
Abigail Tester Hughes ‘08
Robin Hayes Keef ‘87
Lauren Talor Lyons ‘10
Denise Rawlings O’Neil ‘06
Laura Carmichael Probasco ‘08
Lauren Waters Rice ‘03
Caroline Thomas ‘10
Mimi Vance ‘17
Dr. Nancy Vincent Watts ‘83
Chadarryl Silguero-Clay ’12 | Chair
Porche Warren Adams ’07
Joy Altimare ’95
Chantee Boykin ‘98
Jasmine Bravo-Brown ’09
Kamri Chester Busby ’08
Simone Busby ’12
Nedra Campbell ’90
Renita Eason ’98
Laurie Jackson ’87
Regan Jenkins ’13
Jayla Love ’21
Jadyn Matthews ’20
Charquette Forte Nelson ’08
Kimberly Reid ’13
Alana Smith ’00
Tameika Turner-Nolan ’92
Ashley Warren ’02

The GPS Alumnae Network on LinkedIn

Find and connect with your GPS classmates and fellow graduates. See what they have been up to, reminisce, gather together, and stay in touch.
Leverage the shared history you have with thousands of GPS alumnae to expand your professional networks. Meet new people and open new doors—for yourself and others.
Explore the many opportunities for you to engage with your alma mater and the hundreds of GPS girls who are following in your footsteps. Share your story and experiences with current students, serve on the alumnae council and committees, volunteer for or sponsor GPS events, and support the school’s fundraising efforts.