
Lindsay Meeks Edwards ’99

Lindsay is a board-certified dance/movement therapist and licensed professional counselor, receiving a Master of Art degree from Drexel University and a Bachelor of Fine Art degree from Florida State University. She currently serves as director of the creative arts therapies department at a federally qualified health center in Philadelphia. She has been recognized throughout her career, including receiving the Most Excellence in Clinical Work award for dance/movement therapy from Drexel University and the Association of Performing Arts Professionals’ Emerging Leadership award while working for the Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography. 

“By studying dance in an educational setting, students who didn’t excel by traditional standards were still given opportunities to shine. I internalized that every person has something unique to offer, and collectively we are stronger because of our differences. This helps me as a dance/movement therapist to witness people’s truths and assist them in discovering the gifts they offer. The GPS Fine Arts Department normalized risk taking, failing, process vs. product, conflict resolve, consensus making, and creative expression as a means to teach collectivism.”