
Phoebe Agnès-Mills ’18

A graduate of Sewanee: The University of the South with honors and awards in both her majors of philosophy and art, Phoebe has studied abroad in Paris and was selected to attend the New York Academy of Art summer program while in college. While at GPS, her painting “Watercolor Windows” won the Congressional Art Competition, which led to its being displayed in the U.S. Capitol. In 2019, Phoebe won Best in Show runner-up at a juried member’s show for the Association for Visual Arts. In March 2024, she was selected as a winner of the Boynes Artist Award for her self-portrait "Cradle." This fall she will attend the University of Georgia MFA program with a fully funded assistantship.

“Many of the great strides that I made both in artistic skill as well as in confidence in my abilities were cultivated while at GPS. All of the faculty were—and still are—incredibly supportive, though this support was well matched with a good amount of freedom. The GPS Fine Arts Department introduced me to opportunities that have been invaluable to my growth as an artist.” 