
GPS Celebrates Opening Day 2024

An exciting start to the school year
Our 119th school year began today with a return to Frierson Theatre as together we celebrated the start of another great year. 

Head of School Megan D. Cover welcomed the seventh- through 11th-graders and urged everyone to stand up and cheer as the Grand Old Seniors entered the theater, followed by our faculty and staff. Next, 58 new sixth-graders entered the room to cheers and high-fives from upperclassmen.

Katherine Betts, School Receptionist and Stewardship Coordinator, offered a prayer of gratitude to begin our year before Megan returned to the stage to offer her introductory remarks. She spoke about this summer’s Olympic Games, where U.S. women accounted for more than half of the gold medals earned by the American team.

“The Olympics set the stage for the world to come together to celebrate both individual athletes and teams,” Megan said. “We witness healthy competition, comeback stories, the crowning of champions, and heartbreaking losses. What struck me most this year was the camaraderie among the athletes, a sense of unconditional support that reminds me of what we have here at GPS.”

Next, she spoke about the sisterhood she’s already seen in action through the season’s early events, such as the Cat-Rat Reveal, student leadership retreat, and Senior Dinner. She also spoke about the faculty and staff summer reading book, The Anxious Generation, which shares some staggering data about the effect cellphones have on adolescents, particularly girls. Using the book’s examples of play-based vs. cellphone-based childhoods, Megan encouraged each girl to stay as present in the moment as possible this year.

Megan concluded her speech by saying, “Make a note to reach out to someone you don’t know, invite them to sit at your lunch table, be your partner in class, or join you on the field or on stage. This small gesture highlights the signature connection and kindness that abounds at GPS, creating our supportive and loving community. It just takes one introduction or invitation to make people feel they matter and belong. … Let's be simultaneously vulnerable and victorious to make this year one of growth, connection, and celebration.”

Next to speak was Amy Arrowsmith, Chair of the Board of Trustees, who, on behalf of the Board, welcomed the students and urged them to seize the opportunity. “I challenge you to see each day as a chance to make the most of the opportunities before you, keeping in mind that opportunities are not just about achieving great milestones but also about the daily efforts and experiences that shape your journey. Be curious, ask questions, and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Each new experience is an occasion to learn something new about yourself and the world around you.”

Theme of the Year
Following opening remarks, Head of Upper School Beth Wilson introduced the four senior class leaders to reveal the Theme of the Year. In choosing a theme, the seniors select a word or phrase that not only represents their class, but also encompasses the entire student body.

Our four elected senior class leaders—Tori Ball, Frances Bohner, Ellie Crowe, and Eliana Tabibiazar—shared with their fellow students the theme they had selected: Treasured Ties.

Eliana said, “At GPS, we begin the year with a retreat as a class, having adventures together before we dive into the school year. It is in moments like these that we create new ties with one another, strengthen the ties we already have, and treasure the ties that bind us all as a GPS community.” 

Ellie added, “Each of us has niche specialties that we excel in, whether it be in competing, studying, performing, or creating. Through our theme, we want to cherish all of the ways we are each individually awesome and recognize that our community is beautiful because of our differences. We also aimed to create a theme that celebrates the time we spend at GPS, both growing as individuals and connecting with each other through traditions, activities, shared struggles and celebrations.”

Tori spoke next, noting the different materials, designs, and colors of a friendship bracelet signify the influences and experiences that make each student unique.

Frances reminded her classmates to think of all the memories they've made and struggles they've overcome with their peers and loved ones by their sides. "It is our goal this year to have each grade continue to treasure the strong sisterhood we’ve built and continue to grow these treasured ties."

Freshmen Walk Across the Lawn
At the conclusion of the opening assembly, the students were dismissed to take their places along the lawn and in the upper school to ceremoniously watch the Class of 2028 walk the sidewalk from middle to upper school. Led by Mrs. Katie Outlaw, Head of Middle School, the students entered the upper school from a sidewalk lined by seniors to be greeted by their sophomore and junior sisters inside the building.

After the walk across the lawn, students enjoyed free time to gather, reconnect, and catch up. Then it was off to an abbreviated class schedule while our sixth-graders spent the day becoming accustomed and acquainted with their new school and how to get around.

Officer Installation
To close the day, the student body, faculty, and staff gathered together again in the Frierson Theatre for the first Chapel of the year, when class officers were installed. Beth spoke to the students about leadership and their responsibilities to their classmates as their elected representatives.

Here’s to the girls and the teachers, coaches, and support team who lead and love them so well. Here’s to the 2024-25 school year!