Shelley Schmissrauter Kay ’03

Shelley Schmissrauter Kay ’03

Scientist, Educator, Protector
Shelley Schmissrauter Kay attended the University of Georgia, where she earned a degree in biology, and then received her Master of Public Health in behavioral sciences and health education from Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health. She spent time working with the Army Public Health Command in Maryland and the Defense Health Agency in Washington, DC. Today she is a senior health communications research scientist with strategic consultancy ICF and works primarily on studies and educational materials regarding drug overdose prevention, people reentering their communities after incarceration, and health inequities in drug use and overdose among various groups. She serves on the Board of Directors at the Council for Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services (CADAS) and was recently featured as one of Chattanooga’s 20 Under 40. Shelley and her family returned to Chattanooga in
2020 and reside on Signal Mountain. 