Renita Eason, MD ’98

Renita Eason, MD ’98

Medical Director, Innovator, Leader
Renita Eason completed her undergraduate education degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she received a Bachelor of Science in biology with a minor in Spanish. She then attended medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine in Memphis, where she continued her bilingual professional development by helping grow a Latinx clinic run by medical students. Next, she moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, to train in family medicine and later joined the staff at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where she was named the inaugural Associate Medical Director in 2014. Her work in the medical field has garnered her numerous awards, including the Outstanding Family Medicine Resident award in 2008 and the UNC Charlotte Hall of Famer award in 2021 for 10+ years of service and innovation and leadership during the COVID pandemic. She is passionate about supporting her church’s outreach programs and enjoys reading, dining out, traveling, and celebrating her new title of aunt.