Admission Kickoff Event

Sunday, September 15, 2024 | 2-4:30 pm | GPS Campus

The GPS Admission team knows exploring options for your daughter’s next school is a big decision. While the choices can be overwhelming, we are here to help you navigate all our school has to offer you and your daughter.

With a breadth of programming that includes the arts, athletics, humanities, design thinking, and engineering, your girl will have myriad opportunities to explore her passions with confidence and joy. 

Just like each girl's education experience, your exploration of GPS will also be tailored to your interests. Pick three topics you’d like to explore, and we will plan your afternoon.

Registration Form

How It Works

Read each course description and narrow your choices to the three areas that interest you the most. Rank in order of preference on the registration form. On the day of the event, you will receive a schedule with your three stops, each lasting 30 minutes. There will be time to ask questions at the end of each presentation. 

Course Descriptions

List of 8 items.

  • + Debunking the Myth

    Why GPS? Why all-girls? Isn’t an all-girls’ school filled with drama? Do you ever see boys? Are all common questions you may have during the next few months. We have invited students and parents to answer your questions to learn the real scoop of GPS. We will end with the question, why NOT GPS?
  • + Finding Her Passion

    Clubs and after-school activities for girls play a crucial role in their overall development, offering numerous benefits that extend beyond the classroom such as skill development, social and emotional growth, time management, exploration of interests, confidence building, leadership development, and more. From coding to Mock Trial to pickleball, GPS girls can explore and pursue their interests, further their learning and exposure to things that matter most to them, and begin to discover their purpose. In addition, new friendships across many grades are made, and connections with people and organizations outside of GPS give girls a chance to engage on a larger scale. 
  • + Girls Play Sports

    Research shows that every aspect of a girl’s life can be enhanced by participating in sports: relationships, confidence, emotional wellbeing, even academic performance. That’s why our athletic program is specifically designed for girls.

    Join Director of Athletics Allie Tennyson and her coaching staff to hear about the benefits of being a student athlete.
  • + Learner-Centered Education

    Pop quiz: How do students learn best?
    1. Listening to lectures
    2. Watching a video
    3. Working on group projects
    4. Creating a presentation
    Answer: E—no two students learn the same way. (OK, we tricked you!)
    In an effort to help students embrace the joy of learning and discovery, GPS prioritizes a learner-centered framework that approaches teaching a bit differently than what you may have experienced. To put it simply: Students learn best when their journeys are personalized, competency-based, authentic, and equitable + inclusive.

    Over the last three years, administration, faculty, and staff have worked to embrace a teaching format where students guide their own learning. That, of course, is not to say that girls decide what they do or don’t want to learn. Rather, teachers work to tailor learning in a way that fits each student’s unique needs. 
  • + Let’s Get Creative

    The Fine and Performing Arts Program at GPS is a tenet for educating and engaging the whole girl. The arts provide a safe space for a girl to express herself, develop new interests, take risks, uncover hidden talents, and foster deep connections. Beautiful works of art are created but, more importantly, a girl learns to master a creative process that will benefit her throughout life—whether she wants to be a software engineer, a painter, or an accountant.
  • + Supporting Girls: Mind, Body, Spirit

    While learning calculus may seem daunting for some, learning to be a good listener, to make good decisions, and to advocate for oneself can be equally tough. Add to that the changes and challenges of adolescence that are known to wreak havoc on girls’ self-confidence. At GPS, students learn the executive functioning skills necessary to be successful in the classroom, and girls also gain the social-emotional tools they need to thrive in life.
  • + Taking Her Learning to the Next Level

    Although all schools offer core classes and some electives, at GPS our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to optimize outcomes for girls. We know girls learn more intentionally when teachers reach across disciplines and incorporate what students are experiencing in other classes. Hear from teachers and students about our unique GPS experience.
  • + The Best Investment in Education

    The investment in your daughters education is not a subject we take lightly at GPS. The Tuition Assistance program at GPS is geared toward providing opportunity to those families who might not otherwise be able to afford an independent school education. Hear from Director of Tuition Assistance Jennifer Morrison about the process and deadlines. While we know each family's situation is different, there will be time to ask questions.


Check In | 1:30–2 p.m.
Welcome | 2–2:25 p.m.
First Stop | 2:35–3:05 p.m.
Second Stop | 3:15–3:45 p.m.
Third Stop | 3:55–4:25 p.m.